You may have been wondering what is address line 2 and what you can put on it. In a nutshell, this is the line that lists the address of the apartment, condominium, or other unit. It is also an important piece of information in order to avoid any confusion. It is required by the U.S. Postal Service for mailings. In some cases, USPS does not recognize this information, so you may want to put it on line 2. Depending on the situation, you may want to add an apt or suite number to the line.

The address line 2 field is used for several purposes. The first one is for the street address of the address. The second one is for the apartment or suite name and the space number. It can also be used for special instructions. Alternatively, it can be used to list the department of the recipient. This can be useful when a customer needs to send a letter to the school.
If you are entering address information on a government-issued document, you should include the address on line 2 if applicable. This line will typically only be used by a small number of users. As such, it is important to clearly mark the field as optional and to provide examples of what information should be entered.